Shrinkage of plastic film is used to make all kinds of crafts materials, it is contractible material, throughheating can be reduced to the original size of 1 / 4, we will use microwave or hot air machine to complete the heating
We have a look which can have a magic show, how the first, we do a simple small adorn article, take ashrink plastic sheet placed on the desktop platform, you can use color strokes to decorative pattern,rough side, cut with scissors after painting flat, then put in the oven, out it is reduced to 1 / 4 the size of(use insulated tools, prevent burns to the hands), if not very well, you can use a flat books or otherintegral heat, smooth things it flat, so you can see your creative work. Can be more challenging and creative work, can be made of red flowers, or like a small animal, play your imagination, let your personality
This is a way of communication between a parent and child: Oh, is a good way of improving on children's imagination and creativity, move your hand and brain!
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